Thursday, October 6, 2011

Why Cold loses to Hot

So, this blog is about why heat is better than cold. This is a semantic argument so that means yeah its suppose to be silly.

**Disclaimer: If you get hot-headed over this, you have already proved my point because you didn't get cold-headed :p**

So I'm a big proponent of heat and a advocate of killing cold.  I never understand why people love the cold... It's like even when it gets colds, they still do things to stay warm so how can you love the cold? Like I think what they're really saying when they state "I like the cold" is I like being able to regulate how much heat effects me, but not I like dying a slow painful death. Lets face it, everything we do revolves around heat. For example, have you noticed that when a faucet is leaking, its always the hot handle that's loose? It's rarely ever the cold one.

There are many examples of why warmth beats colds. So let start out with terms. When someone refers to something be cold-blooded doesn't that mean that they rely on the heat around them to survive? So if it's cold they die unless they have some heat source. Or what about the term being cold-hearted....that means that you are devoid of many emotions. So what's the opposite of those two? Warm-blooded and Warm personalities. It's like all the good things revolve around heat. When your food gets cold you warm it up right? Cold has such negative connotations, like I hear "It's cold as balls outside," never the opposite.

Then there's scientific evidence.... Cold falls and heat rises to the top. Already sounds like Darwinism and heat winning. All the scientific innovations need heat too, not cold minus ice cream and ice. Electricity, fire, batteries, phones, REFRIGERATORS, etc., all use some form of heat to power them. What has cold done for us? It only uses heat to fake like its doing something. All I'm saying is that the cold sucks and it knows it. Ironically (or coincidentally i should say) it's usually the people who "love the cold" who get sick the most. Just saying. So until next time.....

Go into the infinite blue yonder

Monday, September 26, 2011

A Letter To......

I don't think this needs to be explained, but I shall try. Recently, life has just been working its course, not necessarily good, not necessarily bad it's been stirring things up a little bit, making sure my life stay interesting and making sure I grow. However, I can't lie and say that I haven't caught feelings along the way. So I thought I would write letters to a couple of people, may be past, present, or future, but they are just unsent letters. So here we go.....

To My Past Self,

Dear Me,
Don't do biochemistry, do social work and Interdisciplinary Studies instead. Trust me it will save you a lot of time. I know you're scared to work with people, but this is now the life you're currently trying to live. Also, you will get hurt in the future by some females, but don't give up. Just don't give up. Also, love your nieces dearly, I know you'll be scared and I know they are a scary thought to you, but you will be the best "Oji" in the world. You will get that reference later in life.

With Love,
Future you

PS Your stupid lol

To: My Future Special Someone

I LOVE YOU! The end.... I've been waiting to say that for years now. I know that if I have you, you are by my side every step of the way. Let me apologize for my stupidity and nerdiness now, but if you are still here, I know you have accepted me for who I am and is willing to put up with my crap. And right there I can say thank you. I want to be there for you everyday and help lift you up onto that golden throne you deserve to be placed on. I can't tell you how long I've waited for you, but the only thing I can say is IT WAS SOOOO WORTH IT! If we aren't married now, I can't wait to see you walk down the island towards me. And knowing the present me I am probably thinking something very nerdy as you are walking towards me Princess Zelda :p. I honestly don't know what to say because I would rather just show it to you and do it for you, plus words cannot express how much I love you right now. 50 years from now, I want to look back and tell you that I love you even more than I do now, here in the future world.

Your future someone.

To My Lost Friend,

I really don't know what happened to you, and I hope everything is okay with you. You literally fell of the face of "my" earth, and that makes me sad. You were a really good friend, and I wish you'd come back from outer space to talk to me. Maybe, just maybe, we can reconnect if I ever find you again. I have never met someone as amazing as you, and hopefully you don't change for the world.

Searching Friend

To My Little Brother,

Hey there,

In my eyes you are always "Little" but dang you grow up fast. You are already able to hang with me and my college friends and me not having to worry about you. You are growing up well and you are smart. You are excelling at EVERYTHING that you do and you are showing so much potential. I just wanted to let you know that I love you and that I will be there for you in a second if you need me.

Your brother
PS. Saints sucks! Come to the Raven's side.

Dear Girl Across from me in class,

Damn, your boyfriend is lucky. That is all.

Guy staring at you
PS. Do you have any friends? lol

To The Reader:

Dear Reader,

Thanks for sticking it out this long with. I look forward to you guys reading more of my post. I love you guys, and as always, til next time.

Vayan con Dios Space Cowboy,

Monday, September 12, 2011

You're Doing it Right, But You're Wrong for it!

Don't you hate when you're being told you're doing something right and you know you are doing right, but then Mr. Wrong McDoingItWrong comes along and seems to get all the rewards for it? Best example I can think of is when a "nice guy" is treating a girl right in every way, but as soon as Sir Douchealot rolls around, she leaves the "nice guy" in the dust. I always wonder why that is and why we continue to do the right thing even when the wrong people get the "good stuff."

Well, to begin, I am a very huge proponent of "if you do good, you will get good things back in reward, 10 fold." My spirituality also makes me to believe that when you do good, the world conspires against you to make you want to stop doing good, or to rub it in your face that you can get what you "want" faster.  Now, even though I believe in these things, it doesn't mean I don't feel like I just got the shaft, or the a giant bitchslap across the face.

I mean who wouldn't. Everything you just strove to get, someone else just got it faster and doesn't deserve it. However, I know many times these things I sometimes wanted and didn't get...I know I dodged a very large bullet. Other times though, I know I missed out.

So what keeps us doing the right thing? What keeps NoFuture doing the right thing? Honestly, for me I'd rather have made someone happy than stand atop a very tall and flimsy pedestal flaunting tangible things. I'd rather know I did things right behind the scene and learn valuable lessons that will help me appreciate what I'm getting later, instead of going in head strong and run the risk of losing it quickly. But some appreciation along the way is always nice ^_^ lol

But as always, til next time,

"Stay Frosty"

Monday, August 8, 2011

These Are Our Heroes?? (People of our Lives)

So today, this talk is dedicated to the people I look up to and the people I "idolize" or find they help me through things or give me hope.

I would first like to start by saying that I find that there are very few people in this world that are noticeable working to make the world a better place, and when they are noticed, people forget about them all too quick. I would also like to say i separate people I look up to and people that I "Idolize" by this simple definition- people I idolize are usually famous or not able to be in my life, where people I look up to are around and are tangible for me.

To start, I'd like to thank my Oldest brother. He's been a real role model in my life, showing me the ropes in situations. Someone I can always talk to and someone who was the guinea pig for many of the family's social endeavors. He's taught me valuable lessons time and time again and even shared his weaknesses to show me that even heroes make mistakes. He's also has helped me through some of the hardest times of my life.

Of course my parents are on here because the raised me. But my Mom is especially one because she raised 3 kids by herself and taught us to always be together. My father was more so an "anti-hero", and for those who don't know what that truly means, he was neither good or bad, but he taught me things I'm glad I know now and also taught me things not to be. Ask me to help put up a new wall, paint etc, I can do that because he taught me, but ask me what I don't want to be like, I can give you a list of his flaws.

I'd also like to acknowledge my high school math teach (geometry/calculus) because, even though he doesn't know this, he has taught me to love what I do and to do it because I want to. He truly cares about the students he teaches and really wants them to be something in life. He also showed me that teachers are capable of feeling too...before him I had to say teachers were pretty much cyborgs and cold emotionless beings who dished out schoolwork as though not completing it would destroy the universe as we knew it, and if there were any hopes of an alternate universe it would destroy it too.... *breathes* He also taught me that you can have fun while teaching others and how to destroy people in Uno. He also broke his dowel because of me. But now I go back to always tell him how I applied math to my everyday life.

Now for the people I idolize, i think it would be easier to make a quick list:
J.S Bach-Revolutionized Music as we know it
Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin-Revolutionized music even with their limitations. (deaf, social idiot, and TB in order)
Jimi Hendrix-Enough said
MLK-Showed me how to fight for what I believe in but on peaceful terms. No war Necessary.
Mario/Zelda- No matter how much stupid crap their people get in (which is like every 2 yrs Nintendo) they never mind helping them out
All Social entrepreneurs- They're changing the world without people knowing.

There are lots of other people who effect my life and who help shape who I am and I thank you to. Til next time...

"And a hand came out the heavens and pinned a badge on his chest. They said get out there man and do your best!"-Jimi Hendrix

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Musical Chairs is No Fun Without Any Chairs (Music)

You know how our parents always say their music was the best, how our generation has no artist that will have longevity? Sadly, I am starting to understand why they say that. Now I know with this next statement, people are probably going to say I have no credibility and leave, oh well by :D, but the few who are willing to hear my argument, here's my statement: I have not listened to the radio willingly since 2001 for the simple fact that most mainstream music is just no good.

Alright, how many people did I lose? 1...2....3....a few people left. The reason I say this because I started to notice where music was heading. Most songs nowadays talk about a few, yet similar topics: money, sex, "swag",  drinking/smoking, partying, and how great they are. Why would I want to hear that all day? I already have to hear it enough in real life, why would I want my musical escape to remind me of these things? And I am not ashamed to say this either, Wayne's not good, Lady Gaga I could care less about, Drake who....etc etc...list goes on. Many of my friends who know me understand why I can say this. I find that their music has little substance for me and just promote things I already don't do. So who do I listen to, what does NoFuture listen to you ask? Well for starters I am not totally turned off from Hip-Hop. I still listen to people like Nas, Eminem, Jay-z, and other veterans that proved themselves way before the hostile takeover of rap. I also listen to a lot of classic rock, drum and bass/ liquid (thanks DK *I secretly hate you*), classical, and a whole lot of different artist.

If you couldn't tell by my picture, one of my favorite artist is Jimi Hendrix, and I know a lot of debaters are already about to say "What about Purple Haze, that was about drugs." I scoff at thee, because it is a known fact that it is not about drugs but a dream he had. He later used the appeal though to get with that crowd.  Now if you don't believe that my music has any substance or couldn't possibly send a better message, you could be right, but here's a list of songs you should hear: Gorillaz-New Genious, Purple Haze, Pink Floyd-Dogs, Aerosmith-Dream On, and Goldfish-We Come Together. I don't mind waiting for you to listen to these really quick as I may join you. However, in a lot of these songs there are deeper meaning then just what is given and on top of that it s not super super negative and "bitch this, motherf**k that...." and all. Like I said I do listen to some rap and I am a fan of people like NWA and stuff, but I don't listen to it that often because of how negative it is.

I look at how people inn my generation act now, and I somewhat have to blame the music industry. Before, a lot of the music was soothing and talked about how people were being affected by this and that. Now I just hear a whole lot of have sex, lets drink and get high, fun time fun time, be like me kids, and I don't like that? Honestly tell me that you haven't seen kids these day all trying to be like one of their rap idols, and tell me you haven't seen them make some bad choices? Now I'm not saying everyone who wants to be a rapper is bad or  sucks, because I actually have a few friends who are aspiring artist and I can listen to what they have to say. They even know how I feel about music these days. I'm just want to know where the good music at? The ones that can help me feel good without immersing myself in drugs and sex.

Here's a few more good songs too:
Chemical Brothers: Star Guitar, Galvanize
Nujabes: Just Forget, Battlecry, Kumoni, Counting Stars, Space between two worlds
Noisa: Shellshocked
Netsky: Storm Clouds, Strobots
London Elektricity: Elektricity will keep me warm, Love the silence

"All I'm writing is just what I feel, that's all. I just keep it almost naked. And probably the words are so bland."-Jimi Hendrix

Monday, August 1, 2011

NoFuture Origins

So I guess this first blog is somewhat an introduction into me through my pen names. I find that the name a person chooses is an insight into who they want to be. For this blog I chose to use my pen name "NoFuture." I also have another name, "Angelmind." Many people always ask me why these names, or some mistake me for a female (╬Γ_Γ) lol. 

So to start, I will go with my easiest to explain, Angelmind. growing up, I was the youngest of 3 brothers and cousin who is like my brother. So I was always the "weakest" in a sense. Angelmind originate as Ghost and evolved into Angelmind, because as the youngest i always kind of felt unseen or just looked over when opinions mattered. Also, in sports, because I was so small and agile, I was often a threat on the courts :) (random side note). As, I got older and really started to enjoy helping people, "Ghost" slowly turned "Angel." Since I didn't want to claim myself as an angel and I still felt unheard through out life, I chose Angelmind. I felt as though I could be the essence of a guardian angel for those that I care for and have that mindset as well. Simple explanation right?

However, NoFuture is not as simple. Everyone always thinks of it in a negative light when I say I like that saying.  I understand why, however, when I explain it, maybe that view will change. Besides the gamer in me loving this for an online gamer tag, especially in an FPS (First Person Shooter), it holds a deeper meaning, and its meaning comes from an anime named "Soul Eater." For those who don't know the anime, an immortal man, name Free wears this tattoo over his eye. He's a very clumsy guy who likes to test his  limits because, well, he's immortal. However, I found this interesting and rather hilarious. This character had been imprisoned for a VERY long time, too long to remember his name, so he proclaims his new name to be free. He then ends up unintentionally in indentured servitude to pay back the person who busted him out of jail. If that isn't the biggest contradiction in life....However, the meaning comes from a man was told he has no future, as branded over his eye, to becoming immortal and having all the time in the world and can achieve anything he wants really. Usually when I use Nofuture it is followed by "5211" and if you have a traditional texting phone, it should be F.R.E.E. So naturally I love this contradiction and chose to use it for my benefit.

Hope I didn't bore you too much, and my next few post will be more exciting in the future.

"So until we meet again, stay gold!"-Toonami