Monday, September 26, 2011

A Letter To......

I don't think this needs to be explained, but I shall try. Recently, life has just been working its course, not necessarily good, not necessarily bad it's been stirring things up a little bit, making sure my life stay interesting and making sure I grow. However, I can't lie and say that I haven't caught feelings along the way. So I thought I would write letters to a couple of people, may be past, present, or future, but they are just unsent letters. So here we go.....

To My Past Self,

Dear Me,
Don't do biochemistry, do social work and Interdisciplinary Studies instead. Trust me it will save you a lot of time. I know you're scared to work with people, but this is now the life you're currently trying to live. Also, you will get hurt in the future by some females, but don't give up. Just don't give up. Also, love your nieces dearly, I know you'll be scared and I know they are a scary thought to you, but you will be the best "Oji" in the world. You will get that reference later in life.

With Love,
Future you

PS Your stupid lol

To: My Future Special Someone

I LOVE YOU! The end.... I've been waiting to say that for years now. I know that if I have you, you are by my side every step of the way. Let me apologize for my stupidity and nerdiness now, but if you are still here, I know you have accepted me for who I am and is willing to put up with my crap. And right there I can say thank you. I want to be there for you everyday and help lift you up onto that golden throne you deserve to be placed on. I can't tell you how long I've waited for you, but the only thing I can say is IT WAS SOOOO WORTH IT! If we aren't married now, I can't wait to see you walk down the island towards me. And knowing the present me I am probably thinking something very nerdy as you are walking towards me Princess Zelda :p. I honestly don't know what to say because I would rather just show it to you and do it for you, plus words cannot express how much I love you right now. 50 years from now, I want to look back and tell you that I love you even more than I do now, here in the future world.

Your future someone.

To My Lost Friend,

I really don't know what happened to you, and I hope everything is okay with you. You literally fell of the face of "my" earth, and that makes me sad. You were a really good friend, and I wish you'd come back from outer space to talk to me. Maybe, just maybe, we can reconnect if I ever find you again. I have never met someone as amazing as you, and hopefully you don't change for the world.

Searching Friend

To My Little Brother,

Hey there,

In my eyes you are always "Little" but dang you grow up fast. You are already able to hang with me and my college friends and me not having to worry about you. You are growing up well and you are smart. You are excelling at EVERYTHING that you do and you are showing so much potential. I just wanted to let you know that I love you and that I will be there for you in a second if you need me.

Your brother
PS. Saints sucks! Come to the Raven's side.

Dear Girl Across from me in class,

Damn, your boyfriend is lucky. That is all.

Guy staring at you
PS. Do you have any friends? lol

To The Reader:

Dear Reader,

Thanks for sticking it out this long with. I look forward to you guys reading more of my post. I love you guys, and as always, til next time.

Vayan con Dios Space Cowboy,

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