Monday, September 12, 2011

You're Doing it Right, But You're Wrong for it!

Don't you hate when you're being told you're doing something right and you know you are doing right, but then Mr. Wrong McDoingItWrong comes along and seems to get all the rewards for it? Best example I can think of is when a "nice guy" is treating a girl right in every way, but as soon as Sir Douchealot rolls around, she leaves the "nice guy" in the dust. I always wonder why that is and why we continue to do the right thing even when the wrong people get the "good stuff."

Well, to begin, I am a very huge proponent of "if you do good, you will get good things back in reward, 10 fold." My spirituality also makes me to believe that when you do good, the world conspires against you to make you want to stop doing good, or to rub it in your face that you can get what you "want" faster.  Now, even though I believe in these things, it doesn't mean I don't feel like I just got the shaft, or the a giant bitchslap across the face.

I mean who wouldn't. Everything you just strove to get, someone else just got it faster and doesn't deserve it. However, I know many times these things I sometimes wanted and didn't get...I know I dodged a very large bullet. Other times though, I know I missed out.

So what keeps us doing the right thing? What keeps NoFuture doing the right thing? Honestly, for me I'd rather have made someone happy than stand atop a very tall and flimsy pedestal flaunting tangible things. I'd rather know I did things right behind the scene and learn valuable lessons that will help me appreciate what I'm getting later, instead of going in head strong and run the risk of losing it quickly. But some appreciation along the way is always nice ^_^ lol

But as always, til next time,

"Stay Frosty"

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