Monday, August 8, 2011

These Are Our Heroes?? (People of our Lives)

So today, this talk is dedicated to the people I look up to and the people I "idolize" or find they help me through things or give me hope.

I would first like to start by saying that I find that there are very few people in this world that are noticeable working to make the world a better place, and when they are noticed, people forget about them all too quick. I would also like to say i separate people I look up to and people that I "Idolize" by this simple definition- people I idolize are usually famous or not able to be in my life, where people I look up to are around and are tangible for me.

To start, I'd like to thank my Oldest brother. He's been a real role model in my life, showing me the ropes in situations. Someone I can always talk to and someone who was the guinea pig for many of the family's social endeavors. He's taught me valuable lessons time and time again and even shared his weaknesses to show me that even heroes make mistakes. He's also has helped me through some of the hardest times of my life.

Of course my parents are on here because the raised me. But my Mom is especially one because she raised 3 kids by herself and taught us to always be together. My father was more so an "anti-hero", and for those who don't know what that truly means, he was neither good or bad, but he taught me things I'm glad I know now and also taught me things not to be. Ask me to help put up a new wall, paint etc, I can do that because he taught me, but ask me what I don't want to be like, I can give you a list of his flaws.

I'd also like to acknowledge my high school math teach (geometry/calculus) because, even though he doesn't know this, he has taught me to love what I do and to do it because I want to. He truly cares about the students he teaches and really wants them to be something in life. He also showed me that teachers are capable of feeling too...before him I had to say teachers were pretty much cyborgs and cold emotionless beings who dished out schoolwork as though not completing it would destroy the universe as we knew it, and if there were any hopes of an alternate universe it would destroy it too.... *breathes* He also taught me that you can have fun while teaching others and how to destroy people in Uno. He also broke his dowel because of me. But now I go back to always tell him how I applied math to my everyday life.

Now for the people I idolize, i think it would be easier to make a quick list:
J.S Bach-Revolutionized Music as we know it
Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin-Revolutionized music even with their limitations. (deaf, social idiot, and TB in order)
Jimi Hendrix-Enough said
MLK-Showed me how to fight for what I believe in but on peaceful terms. No war Necessary.
Mario/Zelda- No matter how much stupid crap their people get in (which is like every 2 yrs Nintendo) they never mind helping them out
All Social entrepreneurs- They're changing the world without people knowing.

There are lots of other people who effect my life and who help shape who I am and I thank you to. Til next time...

"And a hand came out the heavens and pinned a badge on his chest. They said get out there man and do your best!"-Jimi Hendrix

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