Monday, August 1, 2011

NoFuture Origins

So I guess this first blog is somewhat an introduction into me through my pen names. I find that the name a person chooses is an insight into who they want to be. For this blog I chose to use my pen name "NoFuture." I also have another name, "Angelmind." Many people always ask me why these names, or some mistake me for a female (╬Γ_Γ) lol. 

So to start, I will go with my easiest to explain, Angelmind. growing up, I was the youngest of 3 brothers and cousin who is like my brother. So I was always the "weakest" in a sense. Angelmind originate as Ghost and evolved into Angelmind, because as the youngest i always kind of felt unseen or just looked over when opinions mattered. Also, in sports, because I was so small and agile, I was often a threat on the courts :) (random side note). As, I got older and really started to enjoy helping people, "Ghost" slowly turned "Angel." Since I didn't want to claim myself as an angel and I still felt unheard through out life, I chose Angelmind. I felt as though I could be the essence of a guardian angel for those that I care for and have that mindset as well. Simple explanation right?

However, NoFuture is not as simple. Everyone always thinks of it in a negative light when I say I like that saying.  I understand why, however, when I explain it, maybe that view will change. Besides the gamer in me loving this for an online gamer tag, especially in an FPS (First Person Shooter), it holds a deeper meaning, and its meaning comes from an anime named "Soul Eater." For those who don't know the anime, an immortal man, name Free wears this tattoo over his eye. He's a very clumsy guy who likes to test his  limits because, well, he's immortal. However, I found this interesting and rather hilarious. This character had been imprisoned for a VERY long time, too long to remember his name, so he proclaims his new name to be free. He then ends up unintentionally in indentured servitude to pay back the person who busted him out of jail. If that isn't the biggest contradiction in life....However, the meaning comes from a man was told he has no future, as branded over his eye, to becoming immortal and having all the time in the world and can achieve anything he wants really. Usually when I use Nofuture it is followed by "5211" and if you have a traditional texting phone, it should be F.R.E.E. So naturally I love this contradiction and chose to use it for my benefit.

Hope I didn't bore you too much, and my next few post will be more exciting in the future.

"So until we meet again, stay gold!"-Toonami

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