Thursday, October 6, 2011

Why Cold loses to Hot

So, this blog is about why heat is better than cold. This is a semantic argument so that means yeah its suppose to be silly.

**Disclaimer: If you get hot-headed over this, you have already proved my point because you didn't get cold-headed :p**

So I'm a big proponent of heat and a advocate of killing cold.  I never understand why people love the cold... It's like even when it gets colds, they still do things to stay warm so how can you love the cold? Like I think what they're really saying when they state "I like the cold" is I like being able to regulate how much heat effects me, but not I like dying a slow painful death. Lets face it, everything we do revolves around heat. For example, have you noticed that when a faucet is leaking, its always the hot handle that's loose? It's rarely ever the cold one.

There are many examples of why warmth beats colds. So let start out with terms. When someone refers to something be cold-blooded doesn't that mean that they rely on the heat around them to survive? So if it's cold they die unless they have some heat source. Or what about the term being cold-hearted....that means that you are devoid of many emotions. So what's the opposite of those two? Warm-blooded and Warm personalities. It's like all the good things revolve around heat. When your food gets cold you warm it up right? Cold has such negative connotations, like I hear "It's cold as balls outside," never the opposite.

Then there's scientific evidence.... Cold falls and heat rises to the top. Already sounds like Darwinism and heat winning. All the scientific innovations need heat too, not cold minus ice cream and ice. Electricity, fire, batteries, phones, REFRIGERATORS, etc., all use some form of heat to power them. What has cold done for us? It only uses heat to fake like its doing something. All I'm saying is that the cold sucks and it knows it. Ironically (or coincidentally i should say) it's usually the people who "love the cold" who get sick the most. Just saying. So until next time.....

Go into the infinite blue yonder

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