Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Voodoo Chile: The Power of Curse Words

"I'm gonna put a curse on you and all your kids will be born completely naked."-Jimi Hendrix

*disclaimer* Might have explicit language....but you have nothing better to do, so read it anyway you pansies.

So, it's been a while since I last posted... well almost over a year. Since then I've graduated got a job and cease to have life outside my cave dwellings I call my room. Recently, people have somehow JUST discover that I curse, and I find it hilarious. One, because like come on...I have said chains of curse words many times around these people and Two, I don't find them to be "curse words." What!?

Now, imagine that the next person you see comes up and says this to you: "Damn man, you're acting like such a black person right now!"

(Don't go to jail visualizing this please)

Above, which thing bothered you most: the fact that I said "damn" or "you're acting like a black person?" ( because most likely you thought the "N" word [*ahem*] Nigger. 

This is why cursing to me is not really cursing. I say "damn" a lot. Probably my number one word followed by "shit". Ass, fuck, titties, bitch....I've said them all, but these been deemed wrong by society for some reason. So why do people see these as curse words? Back in the day, curse words meant you were trying to do harm to something, someone, or everything. Therefore, saying damn back in the day was you committing someone into Hell (capital H so not a swear :p). However, when I just exclaim "...damn" when I do something is that really cursing because I'm not intending someone harm, nor something...just acknowledging something is hard, wrong, cool, etc. In fact, I'd argue that my friends who "don't curse" curse more than me.

My non-cursing friends like to use replacement words such as, "butt", "heck", "crap", "eff", "mofo" and this list goes on. (due to the lack of sleep I'm keeping it short.) They use these a lot and not just like without harm, but usually as a curse.

For example:

Me: That shit was cool. (I see no harm done there)

Friend: You're a butt!
Friend: What the heck was that? You're a load of crap. (um you just basically call me a piece of....)

My friends mouths are filthy, I know. But the point I'm trying to make is that I can say one of the "13" curse words and not be offensive where as you can try to censor yourself and still end up "cursing" because you're directing it towards someone in a manner that is offensive. " [Swearing is] language that is considered by some to be strongly impolite or offensive. It can show a desecreation or debasement of someone or someting, or show strong or intense emotion. Profanity can take the fomr of words, expression, gestures (such as flipping the middle finger), or other social behavoirs that are construed or interpreted as instulting, rude, vulgar, obscene, obnoxious, foul, desecrating, or other forms (Wikipedia, 2013). 
 So they meet the criteria just as much as I do....right? 

However, one can argue that "cursing is natural." 


In this video done by Vlogbrothers, they Hank talks about how cursing is someone natural . Comes from the emotional part of your brain. He claims there physiologically different for humans. So, my friend and I may say two different words that mean the exact same thing emotionally. Instead of me saying butt, I say ass, and instead of them saying dumbass they say buttface. See where I'm going here.

I think that all of us curse, yes some more obvious than others, but we all do it. I want to see if I can come up with a new swear, curse, profane thing that sounds pleasant....Maybe every time I get hurt I just scream KITTENS!

And as always I leave you with this quote:
"This place makes me wonder... Which would be worse, to live as a monster, or to die as a good man?"-Shutter Island 

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